Julie's Half Marathon: The Before...

We have arrived at the Crown Center Hyatt (in Kansas City). Tomorrow morning, Julie will wake up at 5:15 then go run a half marathon. According to my calculations, that's approximately nine-hundred million fifty-three point four six miles. It's the sort of distance that really has to be spelled out. At about 5:35 she will roll me out of bed and hopefully I'll have the wherewithal to grab a camera and some pants before we head out the door.

[This is just like our room only flipped!]

I've been going to bed at midnight and waking up at 8:00 lately, so i'll be a bit jet lagged tomorrow morning.


Okay, Julie is officially tucked in an snoozing. Sadly, she had the foresight to specifically forbid sleeping Julie photos. Here's one of a Big Mac instead:

We were kinda agonizing over where to eat for dinner. We've never really liked any of the options within walking distance here. The food court or Panera would be great, but they always close before we get here in the evening. Our solution on this trip was to eat at interstate McDonalds on the way over. We figured it more accurately matched Julie's usual eating patterns anyway so I think were're ahead of the game. And, at McDonalds, I had a Big Mac. It was nice.

Time for some serious sleeping.


Anonymous said…
I fixed McDonald's! :D

Thank you for not leaving any sleeping pictures of me.

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